Oh Dear!

March 22, 2022  •  5 Comments




I am a Naturalist and I knew that the deer realized that. I walked right up to this 

beautiful deer and she didn't even flinch. The Animal Kingdom can sense things

that humans can't.



The Niagara deer population is declining due to illegal hunting, urban sprawl, and deforestation.  I photographed this 

lone deer at the Niagara Commons.  She was next to a dead kin a few meters away that was shot and carved up. 

We have to remember that we can't upset the balance of nature. 












Beautiful photos. Wonderful commentary.
HostGator VPS Coupon(non-registered)
How one has captured this picture in the snow. A perfect pose is taken by a photographer.
mary keir(non-registered)
That is awful Fred. I never see any Deer when driving up the parkway or in the commons. So cruel .....its not
for the meat....so why kill such a beautiful animal.
She really struck a pose for you. Great work, Fred.
Great photo, great message...
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